Author Archives: arax_writer

Sodium Hydroxide in Food Production

sodium hydroxide in food industry

caustic soda in food productionLye, the traditional name of sodium hydroxide, is not well known in this modern world of chemical names. Quite like how nobody asks you for a glass of ‘Hydrogen dioxide’ and simply says ‘water’, sodium hydroxide remains the shy alter-ego to lye. Sodium hydroxide, also known as Caustic Soda, has been […]

Potassium Hydroxide Vs. Sodium Hydroxide

Potassium Hydroxide Vs. Sodium Hydroxide

Potassium Hydroxide Vs Sodium HydroxideSodium and potassium are highly reactive chemical elements that can be found in group 1 of the periodic table and are also known as alkali metals. They are s block elements because they have their valence electron in the outermost s orbital. Both sodium and potassium are very useful chemical elements […]