Tag Archives: caustic soda

Caustic soda used in medical and pharmaceutical industries

Caustic soda in medical and pharmaceutical industries

  Caustic soda, with its strong alkaline properties, is one of the most important chemicals used in various industries, including the pharmaceutical and medical industries. There are many possibilities of using caustic soda in the pharmaceutical industry, especially in the production of medicine, as well as in medical purposes, including sterilizing equipment. In this article, […]

caustic soda uses

Sodium hydroxide  is a strong chemical compound that is used in various industries as a strong alkali. Due to the unique properties of this compound, it has wide applications in various industries including glass making, mining industry, water softener, and food industries. In this article, we will examine and explain the uses of perk interest. […]

Caustic Soda in Water treatment

Caustic soda in water treatment

Water treatment is one of the most pressing environmental and public health challenges in the world. With the expansion of population, industry, and multiple uses of water resources, maintaining the quality and providing drinking water resources in sufficient quantity has become one of the basic goals of societies. In this regard, water purification technologies have […]