Category Archives: blog

Caustic Soda in Water treatment

Caustic soda in water treatment

Water treatment is one of the most pressing environmental and public health challenges in the world. With the expansion of population, industry, and multiple uses of water resources, maintaining the quality and providing drinking water resources in sufficient quantity has become one of the basic goals of societies. In this regard, water purification technologies have […]

Caustic Soda Role in Drilling Mud

Caustic Soda in Drilling Mud

Caustic Soda in Drilling Mud Caustic Soda in Drilling Mud:Drilling mud(drilling Fluid), in petroleum engineering, is a heavy, viscous fluid mixture. It is used in oil and gas drilling operations to carry rock cuttings to the surface. The drilling mud, by hydrostatic pressure, also helps prevent the collapse of unstable strata into the borehole, and […]