The danger of caustic soda on digestion

The danger of caustic soda on digestion

Caustic soda is a strong chemical used in various industries for cleaning and disinfection. But improper use of this substance can cause serious risks to human health. In this article, we will examine the dangers of caustic soda on the digestive and immune system. First of all, it is necessary to get acquainted with the digestive system of the human body.


Digestive system of the body

The digestive system of the human body is a set of organs and mechanisms that work to digest and absorb food and transport them in the digestive system. This system includes different organs in the body, which we will discuss below.

  1. Mouth: The digestive process begins in the mouth. In the mouth, the food is crushed with the help of the teeth and the cellulose of the food is converted into sugar by the amylase enzyme. Also, food is moistened by the tongue and oral secretions.
  2. Esophagus: Food enters the esophagus from the mouth. The esophagus is a muscular tube that mechanically eats food and digests proteins by mixing food with the enzyme pepsin. As a result, the food turns into a sand that is known as chymos.
  3. Stomach: chyme is transferred from the esophagus to the stomach. Stomach is a special organ that digests proteins in an easier way by secreting gastric acid and pepsin enzyme. At this stage, the food is converted into an acidic form called a sac.
  4. Small intestine: After the stomach, food enters the small intestine. Here, other enzymes such as amylase, lactase, aminopeptidase, and lipase are secreted to digest food into sugars, amino acids, and fats. Also, in the small intestine, it is possible to transfer nutrients to the blood through the intestinal wall.
  5. Large intestine: undigested materials and food waste enter the large intestine. Here, the moisture of the material is absorbed and the remaining material is excreted as feces.
  6. Anus: stool is transferred to the anus through the large intestine. Then, at the right time, the stool is expelled from the body.

This complex and coordinated system, which includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, is used to digest and absorb food and transport feces from the body. Each of these organs and mechanisms play an important role in the digestive process, and coordination between them is a great importance.

Damages of caustic soda on the digestive system

Mucosal damage: Caustic soda with its strong alkaline power can react with the mucosa of the body’s digestive system. This reaction causes mucosal damage and causes side effects such as: irritation, burning and inflammation.

Stomach and Intestines: Caustic soda can cause damage to the digestive system. Swallowing caustic soda can cause irritation in the throat, stomach and intestines and cause complications such as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and infectious diseases.

Gastrointestinal tract obstruction: In some severe injuries, improper use of caustic soda can cause obstruction in the digestive tract. This blockage can cause severe pain, swelling and abdominal discomfort and require surgical intervention.


Complications of ingesting caustic soda

Ingesting caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) can cause serious complications for the digestive system. When caustic soda is swallowed, it contacts the tissues and organs of the digestive system and can seriously damage them. Below, we examine some of the side effects of ingesting caustic soda:

Burning: Caustic soda with its alkaline properties can react with the tissues of the digestive system and cause burning. These complications can cause pain in the stomach, mouth and throat, burning in the stomach and intestines.

Mucosal ulcers: Caustic soda can react with the mucosa of the digestive tract and cause mucosal ulcers. These injuries have symptoms such as blood in the stool, nausea and bloody vomiting.

Swelling and Obstruction: Swallowing caustic soda can cause swelling in the digestive tract. This condition can cause severe abdominal pain, swelling, discomfort and indigestion problems and requires immediate treatment.


Symptoms after swallowing caustic soda

Ingestion of caustic soda can cause complications and symptoms in the gastrointestinal system. Below are some of the possible cases after ingesting caustic soda:

Abdominal pain: One of the main symptoms after swallowing caustic soda is abdominal pain and discomfort. This pain may be severe and sharp and is usually felt in the stomach and intestines.

Burning and pain in the throat and mouth: swallowing caustic soda can cause burning and pain in the throat and mouth. These symptoms may cause problems in swallowing, coughing, and activity in the throat area.

Nausea and vomiting: Caustic soda can cause nausea and vomiting. These symptoms may be caused by the movement of the digestive tract mucosa by caustic soda.

Blood in the stool: If caustic soda comes in contact with the tissues and mucosa of the digestive system and gets damaged, it may cause blood in the stool.

Headache and dizziness: Some people may experience symptoms such as headache and dizziness after consuming caustic soda.


Other side effects of ingesting caustic soda

Ingestion of caustic soda may cause other complications and problems. Below, we look at some of the possible side effects of ingesting caustic soda:

Changes in the gastric valve: Consuming caustic soda can lead to changes in the gastric valve. These changes can be linked to complications such as gastric reflux, excess stomach acid and eating disorders.

Damage to teeth: Caustic can directly damages teeth. Long-term and frequent use of caustic soda can lead to teeth wear and discoloration.

Irritation of the nervous system: Consuming caustic soda may irritate the nervous system and cause symptoms such as seizures and restlessness.



According to the information provided, it can be concluded that swallowing caustic soda may cause serious damages to the digestive system and other body systems. Damage to digestive tissues and mucosa, changes in the stomach valve, respiratory system, damage to the teeth, nausea and vomiting, irritation of the nervous system and other injuries may occur. When using caustic soda, appropriate protective clothing, which includes woven clothes made of nitrile fibers, resistant gloves and protective glasses, which prevent direct contact with the skin and eyes. Make sure the work space is well ventilated and the air is clean. Using caustic soda in closed spaces without adequate ventilation is one of the things that lead to breathing problems.

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