Know 12 chemicals that are used in water treatment

  Chemicals in water treatment

Chemicals are essential in treating wastewater. In fact, wastewater treatment requires even more aggressive chemicals than municipal drinking water treatment. So it’s always important

to properly and safely store the chemicals that are used in the treatment process.

so lets know these useful chemicals in this industry.

water treatment chemicals list :

Sodium Hydroxide

sodium hydroxide in water treatment

Neutralization is the adjustment of the pH levels of water. In wastewater treatment, an acid or a base is added, depending on the pH level of the water being treated. Usually, either sulfuric acid or a base chemical such as sodium hydroxide is added to the water to achieve optimal pH balance.

Specific chemicals help to control odor at the treatment facility. In addition to activated carbon, wet scrubbers are used to reduce the stench. It’s very common to see sodium hydroxide used.

Sulfuric acid

Sulfuric acid in water treatment

it can be used in water treatment to kill bacteria. When used in water treatment, it can kill bacteria. In fact, a study published in the Journal of Water Research found that sulfuric acid was capable of killing more than 99 percent of the waterborne bacteria tested. sulfuric acid is the most commonly used acid in the world. It is frequently used to bring the pH level of wastewater back to normal.

Citric Acid

Citric Acid in water treatment

Citric acid is a weak organic acid. It is a natural preservative and excellent chelating agent. It is used to remove limescale from boilers and evaporators and can be used to soften water.

Chlorine dioxide 

Common Chemicals in water treatment

Chlorine dioxide is a gas and its one of the most common chemicals in water treatment chemicals list. It is commonly used to disinfect drinking water. When used in very small quantities to disinfect water, it is safe and does not lead to health risks. But chlorine dioxide is a disinfectant similar to bleach.

Calcium hydroxide

Calcium hydroxide in water treatment

Calcium hydroxide (hydrated lime) and calcium oxide (quicklime) are chemicals frequently used to raise the pH of raw water before the water is treated with alum or ferric sulfates for coagulation/flocculation.

  other Chemicals in water treatment

Aluminum Sulfate

Aluminum Sulfate in water treatment

Aluminium sulfate is used in water purification and for chemical phosphorus removal from wastewater. It causes suspended impurities to coagulate into larger particles and then settle to the bottom of the container (or be filtered out) more easily. This process is called coagulation or flocculation.

Calcium hypochlorite

Calcium hypochlorite is an inorganic compound added in granular or tablet form added to water to kill germs that can make people sick. When used correctly, this compound destroys germs that can cause numerous health problems.

PAC (Polyaluminum Chloride )

PAC in water treatment

Polyaluminum Chloride (PAC) is one of the most efficient water treatment chemicals utilized today. It is widely used in both potable water and wastewater treatment because it provides high coagulation efficiency and it has the widest pH and temperature application ranges compared to other water treatment chemicals.


Sodium chloride

Sodium chloride in water treatment

Sodium chloride is a naturally occurring mineral found in the earth and comes from underground salt mines or solar evaporation ponds. It’s the most commonly used salt in water softener brine tanks. When the brine solution containing sodium chloride washes over the resin, the hard mineral ions in the water are replaced with sodium.

potassium chloride

potassium chloride in water treatment

After nearly 20 years in the market, potassium chloride has earned its place as a significant water softener regenerate. It adds healthful potassium to the homeowner’s drinking water.

Phosphoric acid

 Phosphoric acid in water treatment

Phosphoric acid is used in wastewater treatment to eliminate pollutants from the environment. This acid is one of the most important and useful mineral acids. It is non-toxic and is also commonly called orthophosphoric acid. The chemical formula of phosphoric acid is H3PO4.

Hydrochloric Acid

Hydrochloric Acid in water treatment

Hydrochloric Acid is a strong pH reducer. It is suitable for lowering the pH and as an emulsion breaker in industrial wastewater treatment. It can be used also for scale removal.

ARAX CHEMISTRY is a great manufacturer of Caustic Soda Flakes , Aluminum Sulfate, and Copper Sulfate which offers its High-quality products.

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